The Bear likes to play Angry Birds on Starbucks iPhone occasionally. He plays the free trial version of Angry Birds for the iPhone since there is no way that I am paying money for it! One occasion just a couple of weeks ago The Bear asked if he could play Angry Birds but Starbuck was on her way out to work so she suggested that he play on my phone instead. I didn't have Angry Birds on my phone so I decided to download it from the store. Since my phone is an Android phone the full game of Angry Birds would be free. I knew that The Bear had enjoyed playing Angry Birds Space on Granny Sue's iPad so I searched for the Angry Birds Space game on the Google Play store. I found it with no problem but I also found Angry Birds Star Wars on the store right next to Angry Birds Space. My reaction to discovering that Angry Birds Star Wars was a real game downloadable from the store and not a joke as I originally thought was one of both amusement and dismay. I asked The Bear if he wanted Angry Birds Space or Star Wars. He chose Angry Birds Star Wars.

Is it that it's set in space? Hence the title Star Wars. It's about a war, set among the stars. Surely not. By the time Star Wars reached cinemas, Space had been much explored by film and TV and we had already had Star Trek. Maybe then it is the story of good versus evil, the rescuing of a princess, a mystical power harnessed by a master and being taught to a young reckless apprentice? Perhaps not. It's got to be the characters then hasn't it. I mean it's not like Han Solo could have been taken from one of many spaghetti westerns, Obi Wan a wizard from a sword and sorcery film, Luke a young apprentice from a kung fu film, Darth Vader, the epitome of villainy from any film with a villain in it. Ok, so it's not the characters. Unless it's the robots or Droids. Perhaps not the droids you were looking for but robots had already appeared across film and TV many times.

What is entirely unique about Star Wars though; something that defines the series to this day and will continue to do so is the sound of Star Wars. The Star Wars theme music, The Imperial March, the scream of a Tie Fighter, the whoosh of a lightsaber, Han Solo's blaster, every noise Darth Vader makes, a Wookie. Hear any of these things and you know that it is Star Wars. These are the things that are recreated perfectly in the Angry Birds game and this is what concerns me so. Only time will tell I guess. The Angry Birds experience is somewhat fleeting whereas the Star Wars experience has lasted an entire lifetime for a whole generation of people and endures even 35 years later. Perhaps I've nothing to fear but it was a good excuse to post something about Star Wars and besides, fear is the path to the dark side.
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