Thursday, 14 February 2013

That Top 10 List I Promised.

I spent some time thinking about what sort of top 10 list I should make. It was trickier than I thought it was going to be since I wanted it to be interesting and unique but I'm sure that there isn't any subject or topic that somebody hasn't already made a top 10 list of somewhere on the internet. I thought maybe I could make a top 10 list of top 10 lists. That would be hilarious wouldn't it! Haha! No, no it wouldn't. So I didn't do that. Here is what I did do instead. Have a look after the jump.

After dismissing the potential hilarity of the top ten of top ten lists I considered what might make a good top ten list. I decided it would  make it more interesting putting the list into order. Number one is the best and so on, there will be no "in no particular order" cop outs here. A top of the pops style countdown from 10 to 1. The only problem being, a countdown from 10 to 1 of what? 

Maybe a top ten of my favorite films. That might be interesting but probably not so much and it has been done to death across the internet so I didn't do that. But if I had, here is what it would look like:-

10) As Good As It Gets.
09) The Matrix (trilogy).
08) Batman Begins.
07) Sin City.
06) Mr & Mrs Smith.
05) Wanted.
04) I, Robot.
03) Se7en.
02) Cafe De Flore.
01) Fight Club.

So after abandoning the film list idea I moved on to music. Top ten favorite bands maybe or top ten favorite songs to make it even more tricky. I quickly gave up on both of those ideas as the the top ten bands list is just a bit boring and the favorite songs list is just a bit too tricky. But let's have a look at what they might have been like had I actually put them together.

Top ten bands.
10) Snow Patrol.
09) Radiohead.
08) Elbow.
07) Nirvana.
06) Pink Floyd.
05) Led Zepelin.
04) Nine Inch Nails.
03) Kings of Leon.
02) Longpigs.
01) R.E.M.

Top ten songs.
10) Drain You - Nirvana
09) After Tonight - Justin Nozuka
08) People 'ain't No Good - Nick Cave
07) Time - Pink Floyd
06) The Logical Song - Supertramp
05) Beat a Drum - R.E.M.
04) Back Down South - Kings of Leon
03) E-bow The Letter - R.E.M.
02) Dozen Wicked Words - Longpigs
01) Mondo Bongo - Joe Strummer & The Mescolaros

The top ten songs was a tough one to do. Narrowing the choices down to only ten songs that I would consider my favorite was not an easy task and I still cannot say that I am entirely satisfied with the outcome.
A top ten list that was equally as difficult but in an entirely different way was the top ten TV shows list. I don't really watch a lot of TV so it was hard to come up with ten TV shows that I really do like. Here it is though.

Top ten TV shows.
10) Scrubs.
09) Friends.
08) The Simpson's.
07) Smallville.
06) Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
05) How I Met Your Mother.
04) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
03) The Big Bang Theory.
02) Batman: The Animated Series.
01) Battlestar Galactica.

Ok, so now that I'm done pretending that I didn't make top ten lists for every topic that I thought of before arriving at a conclusion we can continue the walkthrough of what happened on this particular train of thought. Next up is Top ten favorite book's.

10) The Divine Comedy - Dante Aligieri
The Time Machine - H G Wells
08) Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card
07) Reaper Man - Terry Pratchett
06) Rendezvous With Rama - Arthur C Clarke

05) Q-Squared - Peter David  (Star Trek Fan Fiction)
04) Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy - Douglas Adams
Federation - Judith & Garfield Reeves Stevens (Star Trek Fan Fiction)
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
01) VALIS - Philip K Dick

While we are on the written word, next up is my ten favorite poems.

10) If - Rudyard Kipling
09) Shall I Compare Thee To a Summers Day - William Shakespeare, Sonnets
08) On Another's Sorrow from Songs of Innocence & Experience - William Blake
07) To Romance - Byron
06) Westminster Bridge - William Wordsworth
05) Ulysses - Alfred Lord Tennyson
04) Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night - Dylan Thomas
03) La Vita Nuova - Dante Alighieri

02) O' Captain, My Captain - Walt Whitman
01) The Raven - Edgar Allan Poe

And since we're waxing lyrical, next up is my top ten favorite song lyrics.

10) Kanye West. - Back to Basics - "I'll be there in 5 minutes. 5 hours later, I'll be there in 5 minutes." 

09) Kenny Rogers - Just Dropped in - "I pushed my soul in a deep dark hole and then I followed it in. I watched myself crawlin' out as I was crawlin' in. I got up so tight, I couldn't unwind. I saw so much, I broke my mind. I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in."

08) Snow Patrol - The Finish Line - "The earth is warm next to my ear. Insect noise is all that I hear. A magic trick makes the world disappear. The skies are dark, they're dark but they're clear."

07) Longpigs - Lost Myself - "I have always found it easier to dream about it. Careful of the stitches, Insisted there was more than this but I lost myself. I cannot speak, to live by myself I'm far too weak."

06) R.E.M. - E-bow The Letter - "This fame thing, I don't get it. I wrap my hand in plastic to try to look through it. Maybelline eyes and girl-as-boy moves. I can take you far, this star thing. I don't get it." 

05) Tears For Fears. -  Mad World - "I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad. The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had."

04) Pink Floyd - Time - "Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time. Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines. Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way. The time is up, the song is over. Thought I'd something more to say."

03) Supertramp. -  The Logical Song - The first verse of..

02) Pink Floyd. - Wish You Were Here -  "And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts? Hot ashes for trees? Hot air for a cool breeze? Cold comfort for change? And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?" 

01) Justin Nozuka -After Tonight - "Way above the clouds, And high above the stars. Through the unknown black holes, no one knows where we are but we'll return to earth and do it all over again.
Cause I know that after tonight You don't have to look up 
At the stars no, no, no, no And I know by the end of tonight you don't have to look up at the stars. And I know if the love is alright you don't have to look up
At the stars no, no, no, no. I know by the end of tonight you don't have to look up at the stars."

Phew! That was a tough one and I'm not even sure if it's right. 
Time for some procrastination with what is easily my favorite way to procrastinate. YouTube. 
Any one of these YouTube channels would be a good way to while away several minutes. 

05) ViHart
04) Vsauce

That's better.
 Honestly though, I'm kinda fed up of thinking about top ten lists of things now.
 I'm glad I didn't actually go and make a top ten list of every list I'd thought of so far. That would have been a bit daft since I'm not going to use any of them for the actual post about a top ten list! That would have just been stupid and a waste of everybody's time......................................
Oh yeah, I forgot that we had stopped pretending that I hadn't done that. 
Oh well. The next one is the first one and the last one that I decided not to do. It's my top ten Video Games.

10) Toejam & Earl (sega megadrive)
09) Streets of Rage (series) (sega megadrive)
08) Dead Ball Zone (PS1)
07) Rollcage Stage 2 (PS1)
06) LittleBigPlanet (PS3)
05) Just Cause 2 (PS3)
04) Tekken 4 (PS2)
03) Batman Arkham Asylum (PS3)
02) Warhawk (PS3)
01) Bioshock (PS3)

I feel like I have gone on a bit at this point and I still haven't got to the conclusion. Well done if you're still here. The first person to leave a comment wins a prize!
All of this was merely some random ideas that came to me after I decided to make a post here on the blog that was a top ten list. They are all genuine top ten lists in order of favourites from 1-10. The only disclaimer that I will add is that they are all correct at the time of writing and may be subject to change.
It certainly wasn't easy coming up with some of them and putting them into order. And bear in mind that these are the lists that I decided not to do. 
If you think you could possibly take any more, check back next week to see the Top Ten List that I did decide to do.


  1. So here I am first to comment :) A bit long post with top 10 of top 10, interesting tho.

    1. Congratulations WolfMummy. Feel free to post your top ten favourite things here in the comments if you would like. For details of the prize check the comments section in the next post.
