So I came a little late to the Pinterest party and whilst it was partly due to me being that cool it was also down to me not quite getting it when I was first introduced to it. Starbuck had told me many times about things that she had found and read and posted on pinterest and had I seen this and had I read that. I hadn't because I didn't know how to use pinterest.
That has changed now though, I recently spent some time exploring
Pinterest and discovered how to use it
how it is intended to be used.
This is not a guide though.
It was a peculiar experience not being instantly able to get to grips with the site as usually I do not have a problem with such things. I had no issues with Myspace, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, or Twitter but when it came to Pinterest I found myself using the word "newfangled". Getting old? Set in my ways? Old dog, new tricks and all that? Hardly but I was quick to dismiss it. Probably because it was so much different to the other social media sites which seem to follow a more familiar template. Also, the amount of time you may be willing to spend on learning something new is relative to the expected benefits of competing the learning. From what I had seen of Pinterest, it was a site full of fancy pictures that linked you to websites trying to sell you things. No wonder I gave up on it.
There is however, more to it than that. Once you know where to go and how to organize your own boards and the boards you are following it can be quite rewarding and thanks to Starbucks use of the site and her insistence that I look at the things she posts, I persevered with it myself.
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