Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Starhawk. An awesome match.

I have been playing a lot of Starhawk since it launched 11/05/12. Every opportunity I have had to play it, I have been playing it. Starbuck may have felt a little neglected but the Starhawk release is a special occasion for me so I'm sure she understands. X.
The single player campaign did not take long to get through and it did have some standout moments that made it somewhat
spectacular in places but the multiplayer
game is where it's really at.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Disposable Monday #2

Another Monday morning and I find myself waking up alive regardless of how hard I wished last night. Dragging myself out of bed to face the world on a Monday again does not get any easier. The Monday morning blues is almost tangible, as if it were a thick fog that I can't see past. The normal morning routine seems so much harder and putting on shoes to leave the house is almost enough to cause actual physical pain. Once they are on, I pause for a moment to allow opportunity for actual lightning to strike or perhaps a meteor. Neither happens so I grab my keys and go. The walk to the bus stop feels like wading through waist deep water all the way. Maybe I need one of those great motivational quotes to turn my frown upside down.

Thursday, 10 May 2012


I had a dream last night. It was about Starhawk. The game is released in the UK today and my preorder is due to be delivered. My excitement is almost tangible at this point. Starhawk was released in the US 08/05/12, EU 09/05/12 and AUS 10/05/12. It does jack me off a bit that the UK has to wait until today to get hands on the game. I have been spending far too much time these past few days watching YouTube videos of Starhawk gameplay from the beta. I have been looking forward to this game for such a long time now, it is a testament to the games staying power that none of my anticipation has waned at all. Even after seeing so much footage of the game already and spending so much time playing the beta. There is so much more to discover from Starhawk on release day.