Thursday, 10 May 2012


I had a dream last night. It was about Starhawk. The game is released in the UK today and my preorder is due to be delivered. My excitement is almost tangible at this point. Starhawk was released in the US 08/05/12, EU 09/05/12 and AUS 10/05/12. It does jack me off a bit that the UK has to wait until today to get hands on the game. I have been spending far too much time these past few days watching YouTube videos of Starhawk gameplay from the beta. I have been looking forward to this game for such a long time now, it is a testament to the games staying power that none of my anticipation has waned at all. Even after seeing so much footage of the game already and spending so much time playing the beta. There is so much more to discover from Starhawk on release day.

I recall the day I discovered that Sony Studios had patented the name Starhawk. I posted it all over the internet on all of the forums I was registered on. The name prompted much speculation from the internet forums community. Myself included. I was anticipating space combat in fighters like in Battlestar Galactica. Space station shoot outs and zero G CTF battles akin to Enders Game. The space combat is in but the rest is more than a bit of a stretch!

When I received an invite to the private beta I was so psyched it was unbelievable, even The Bear was excited and he had no idea what it was! The gameplay was similar enough to Starhawks spiritual predecessor Warhawk for it to feel like an actual sequel but the game itself is different enough for it to be considered a standalone title in its own right. I knew straight away that this game would be a rare preorder for me. It's not often that I would absolutely positively have to have a new release day one but Starhawk is one of a kind. There is a whole bunch of preorder bonuses too which are probably going to annoy me by taking too long to download but I'm sure I'll get over it once the title screen pops up.

I have been tracking my preorder since it was created yesterday. At this point in the day I know that Starhawk is waiting for me at home now. I am at work and am going to have to wait until the day is done before I can get my hands on the Starhawk disc. I have been tracking the delivery on my phone all morning. I cannot wait until I can get back home to put the disc into the PS3. There will be a patch to download first of all and the there will be the preorder DLC to download. Then it's game time.

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