Previously on I am The Wolfman; I had decided to make a post about a top ten list but I wanted to make the post more interesting than the usual top ten list fare that you might find on a personal bloggers blog page. I had gone through several ideas of what to make a list of but none of them were what I wanted to make a blog post about. During the process however I had been able to determine what it is that I wanted to do with the blog post and what I didn't want to do with it. I came to a conclusion after much deliberation that I feel will be fun, enjoyable and informative for all to read and I know that I will enjoy writing it.
So, now it is time for the gripping conclusion!
I spent some time thinking about what sort of top 10 list I should make. It was trickier than I thought it was going to be since I wanted it to be interesting and unique but I'm sure that there isn't any subject or topic that somebody hasn't already made a top 10 list of somewhere on the internet. I thought maybe I could make a top 10 list of top 10 lists. That would be hilarious wouldn't it! Haha! No, no it wouldn't. So I didn't do that. Here is what I did do instead. Have a look after the jump.