Thursday 24 January 2013

Nothing To See Here.

I have been keeping this blog for almost a year now. To this date there has been little over 1300 views of the blog page. Of all of the viewers, less than 0.01% of them have interacted with the blog in any way. None have commented on any of the posts, most of the interaction has been been sharing of various posts on other websites such as Google+ or Facebook. Maybe the things that I'm writing about are just not that interesting to anybody and that is why nobody deems it worthy of comment. Maybe my writing style isn't very pleasing and most readers don't make it to the end of my posts. There is one post here that has not had a single view at all. It's the one about Street Fighter IV. It's only going to be interesting to somebody who has an interest in Street Fighter or video games anyway. I had previously posted that very same piece on a gaming website before it was posted here and it exploded with reader comments but here nobody is interested. I still keep writing stuff and posting it here though. My Mother once told me that there is little point in writing if nobody is going to read it. That writing is a form of expression with which to open up debate which in turn grants access to opinions of others that may be different from your own given that they are formed from a different perspective and therefore allowing you to see the same thing from a perspective that you may not have been able to consider before. It is a learning experience. So, given the lack of discourse; why do I continue to write this stuff?

Sunday 20 January 2013

Put Some New Shoes On.

So, the Wife likes shoes. There's a surprise. Here are some shoes that I made for her as a Christmas present.
Inspired by the television show The Big Bang Theory and slightly amended from the original. This is how I went about painting them.

Sunday 6 January 2013

Star Wars, Angry Birds Style.

When I had first seen reports of Angry Birds Star Wars I had thought that it was perhaps a joke or maybe just some fan art or something. I didn't look into it any further to see if it was true as it did not hold my interest enough to warrant investigation. Little did I know at the time of how wrong I was.
The Bear likes to play Angry Birds on Starbucks iPhone occasionally. He plays the free trial version of Angry Birds for the iPhone since there is no way that I am paying money for it! One occasion just a couple of weeks ago The Bear asked if he could play Angry Birds but Starbuck was on her way out to work so she suggested that he play on my phone instead. I didn't have Angry Birds on my phone so I decided to download it from the store. Since my phone is an Android phone the full game of Angry Birds would be free. I knew that The Bear had enjoyed playing Angry Birds Space on Granny Sue's iPad so I searched for the Angry Birds Space game on the Google Play store. I found it with no problem but I also found Angry Birds Star Wars on the store right next to Angry Birds Space. My reaction to discovering that Angry Birds Star Wars was a real game downloadable from the store and not a joke as I originally thought was one of both amusement and dismay. I asked The Bear if he wanted Angry Birds Space or Star Wars. He chose Angry Birds Star Wars.