Friday 14 September 2012

The School Bell.

It's Wednesday 12th September and I'm on my way to pick up The Bear from school. He started school just last week and is very excited about his new school. He likes his school uniform and his school bag and books and p.e. kit. Today will be the second time that I have collected him from school. I have had to take half a day off from work to be able to pick him up. I took him to school for the first time last week on Thursday. For the first 2 weeks he is attending only half days in order for him to become accustomed to the new environment of actual schooling. At first I found this to be bizarre as I was of the opinion that if he is going to school then he should just go to school and get on with it from day one but my opinion quickly changed after the walk to school with him on that first day.

Tuesday 11 September 2012


Presented with a challenge by the Numberphiles, my son and I embark upon a long and arduous journey. With the odds stacked against us, preparations completed and precautionary measures in place, we bravely take the first step on this voyage into the unknown.
Now, I say "unknown" but what I actually mean is "known". The entire task was known, as were the odds. The only unknown quantity were the results of the exercise.

Read on after the jump to find out what I'm on about....